dimarts, 26 de març del 2019



Hello, my name is Chayma and today I will show you some photos of Carolyn Drake.
Carolyn Drake is an important famous photographer, she was born in 1917, in California.
She has documented the cultures of central Asia, she works on personal documentary projects. And she's an American photographer in Georgia.

Now I will describe one of her photos, in this photo I can see six birds, the white dove is in the middle of the photo and is the most highlighted part of the picture. The white dove transmits calm, peace. The dovecote without anything, makes me think in  poverty.

Here you have some picture of Carolyn Drake. 
And the quote I have chosen is: Get lost in the world and meet yourself, by Nelson Mochilero. I have chosen this quote because I think that Carolyn is a traveling person.

dilluns, 11 de març del 2019



Hello my name is Chayma, and today I Will explain you the 2019 "competències bàsiques".
In 4 eso, we do the "competències bàsiques" of Catalan, Spanish, English, maths and sciences. Competències bàsiques are used to find out if the student has a training base, for example: if a student suspends basic mathematical skills, this means that he needs to know more about mathematics.
This year we have done the basic competencies, because we are in 4 eso. We did them together with all Catalonia on 13th and 14th of February. In my opinion, they were not so difficult, they were normal.
The ones that made me easier were those of Spanish, but the most difficult ones were those of mathematics.



HIGH ANGLE: I think in this picture, they used the high angle because they want to teach the people that is a little girl.

Resultat d'imatges de high angle

LOW ANGLE: They have used the low angle because they want to "teach" that this object is very bigger and more powerful than the person is there.

Resultat d'imatges de LOW ANGLE

SLANTED ANGLE: In this picture they used the slanted angle, because they want to "impact" the person who is being watched the photo.

Resultat d'imatges de WHY THEY USE THE SLANTED ANGLE

EYE LEVEL ANGLE: In this picture they used the eye level because they want to tell that the person who is in the pHoto has the same power of you.

Resultat d'imatges de eye level angle

AERIAL SHOT: In this photo you can see more or less what is happening in this city, I think that they used the aerial shot because there is not another shot or angle to take a photo like this.

Resultat d'imatges de AERIAL SHOT

CLOSE UP SHOTS: In this picture we can see that this girl is crying, normally they use this shot to reveal the character's thoughts and feelings.

Resultat d'imatges de CLOSE UP SHOTS

LONG SHOT: In this shot you can see the boy who is playing and what is happening behind him, if they used the high angle the photo would not be so good.

Resultat d'imatges de long shot

MEDIUM SH0T: Probably if they have used the high shot, the picture would be quite good.
In this picture we can see half body of the girl, and she looks happy.

WIDE SHOT: They have used the wide shot, because they want to show you that this girl is lonely.

Resultat d'imatges de wide shot

A TWO SHOT: This shot is mostly used in movies and series, they use this shot to teach the relationship the characters have between them.

Resultat d'imatges de TWO SHOT

THE POINT OF VIEW SHOT:This shot it is usually used in films to show someone's eyesight as burly, if they ar ebecoming uncurious.

Resultat d'imatges de point of view shot

dilluns, 4 de març del 2019

  • Title of T.E.D Talk: The "End of History" Illusion.
  • Name of Speaker: Bence Nana.
  • Date of T.E.D. Talk and Number of Views: September 2018,    297,917 views
  • What was the speaker's thesis (mains point) of the speach? The people thinks that in ten years old will be like now.
  • Circle any of the following adjectives that describe this T.E.D. talk: That talk was inspiring and a little bit of confusing.
  • T.E.D. Talk presenters are known as effective public speakers. Describe two things speaker does well in terms of engaging the audience. Be sure to include the minute: second mark (ex: 8:49) to denote the two specific moments you dicuss here.  In the minut (0:17) because they told that always is the "same". And in the minut (2:30) because it tells us that a lot of people think they will never change but in the end it changes.
  • Write two specific things you learned from this presentation. I have learned that in the future everything changes. And I have learned that sometimes the world changes to better.
  • If you could ask this speaker a question about his/her information or presentation what would you ask? If I will change in the future.
  • Give one piece of constructive criticism that would improve the presentation. I think if there were more arguments, the presentation would be much better.


BYE BYE ESO: The holidays are almost here and I can not believe that I am finishing the ESO, when I started the ESO i was eleven years ...