dilluns, 10 de juny del 2019



The holidays are almost here and I can not believe that I am finishing the ESO, when I started the ESO i was eleven years old and now I am finishing the ESO. I can still remember the nerves I had on the first day, I was with my school friends wishing to go with them to class. 
On first ESO it was difficult for me because I was not interested for the study, I mean that in first ESO i have no studied almost any exam. At second ESO was just like first d'ESO, i was not interested to study, but in thirth ESO i started thinking that the studies are more important, in thirth ESO I was very diligent. And now i am in four ESO, the last year. In this year I have studied a lot, because I want to graduate.
In this years I have had new friends who i love them, they make me happy all day. I am sad because a lot of my friends, in the next year they will leave in other place, and this makes me sad.
In this four years I have changed physically and psychologically,  I have changed physically because when I arrived in this high school i was a kid, and of course i have changed psychologically, i have matured a lot. 
In summary, this four years were special and unforgettable for me.

Resultat d'imatges de institut catsello dempuries

diumenge, 9 de juny del 2019



I live in Empuriabrava, since i was born i lived in the same house.
Now I Will describe you my house. When we enter into the house, first we meet the garden, when we cross the garden, we enter into the house. On the right we see a kitchen, sincerely, it isn't a big kitchen, is only a normal/Little kitchen. On the left, we see a toilet. In front we see a big dining room. We have four bedrooms and one bathroom. One of the bedrooms is Little but the others are big and the bathroom is big.

dilluns, 3 de juny del 2019



Now we are in June, we are finishing the ESO. This summer is the unique summer that we will not work and homeworks because the summer of 2020 we have the "treball de recerca", the summer of 2021,2022... we have the university and work.
 And now i will explain you my 2019 summer, this summer i will go to Morocco, to visit my family and friends, i have not been in Morocco since 2017.
I will go to Morroco the 23rd of June with my aunt and my little cousin, my parent will not go to Morocco because they don't want to go. The city that i will visit is Nador, it is a beautiful city located in North Africa. Always when i go to Morocco i stay in a village named Kariat-Arkmane, i stay in Kariat because my parents had built a big house. 
I will stay in Morocco like two weeks, and then i will come again in Spain and i will enjoy a lot the summer with my friends.
Here you have one picture from Morrocco.



Today I will explain you the holidays of my dreams. Since I am little, my dream is to visit Indonesia, specifically Bali. I still do not have the opportunity to go because is very expensive. 
I want to go Bali because i love the beach, the pool and the sun. I am always watching photos of Indonesia and Bali because this country is magic. I am the type of person who hates to go on vacation for a few days, I prefer to go to vacations for at least two weeks.

Here you have got some pictures of Bali:

Resultat d'imatges de bali  Resultat d'imatges de indonesia mapa

dilluns, 27 de maig del 2019



I have been to BELGIUM:
  • The site:
 The capital of Belgium is Brussels. La Grand-Place is the central square of Brussels. The square is the most important tourist destination and most memorable landmark in Brussels.

  • What kind uwhs is it?
Is a culture site.

  • Year of the inscription in the uwhs:
The date of the inscription was between 1695 and 1699.

Imatge relacionada

I haven't been to MARRAKECH:

  • The site:
Marrakech was founded in 1070s and remained a political, economic, and cultural centre for a long time.The city also holds newer features, including palaces and madrasas (college).

  • What kind uwhs is it?
Marrakech is a culture site.

  • Year of the inscription in the uwhs:
The date of the inscritption was in 1985.

Imatge relacionada

dilluns, 13 de maig del 2019



Resultat d'imatges de koln
  • This summer I have been in Germany with my family and i went in Köln. I have visited my cousins and my aunt.

Resultat d'imatges de nador
  • When i was thirteen, i have been in Morocco with my family and my oncle. The city that i was visiting is Nador. And i want to go again.

Resultat d'imatges de motril
  • I have been in Almería because when i go to morocco, we take the ferry in Motril, Almería. I went with my mother, my sister, my brother and my oncle. 

    Resultat d'imatges de bali
  • I  have never been in Indonesia because it is very expensive and my parents don't have time to travel to go there. I will like to go to Bali.

    Resultat d'imatges de fotos desde la ventana de un avion
  • I have never traveled by plane, because when that i go somewhere, i go by car. I would like to travel by plane a lot.

Resultat d'imatges de santorini
  • I have never been in Greece. I love the city Santorini, is one of my favourites cities because is very beautiful and clean.

diumenge, 12 de maig del 2019



The three of April, my class and the other classes of 4th, went to Girona on a trip.
 The interview that you have below, I did it in the center of Gerona, in front of the bus stop. Before this interview i asked a lot of people, but they didn't want to do an interview.

  • Where are you from? I am from Uruguay.

  • Is it the first time that you are in Spain? No

  • How did you come here? By plane, ship or train? By plane.

  • Why are you in Girona? I am in Girona because we have a son that is living here.

  • How long are you going to stay here? For days.

  • Are you travelling with family or Friends? With family, with my husband.

  • What have you visit up to now? Cathedral, Basilica de San Félix, Pente viejo, puente de piedra, plaza Cataluña, plaza independencia.

  • What do you like the most? Is different, a church is a church, i like all this beautiful.

  • Have you bought any presents? No.

dijous, 2 de maig del 2019



This photo was taken in France, in the midday. While i was waiting my sister, my cousin and my aunt i took the picture. The place of the photo is in Avignon, i was visiting the famous Auchan. Auchan is a big supermarket. In Auchan, I bought some shirts and some make up.
In this picture, there is a big Green tree and some cars.
This day I got up very early because we went to visit a lake. 
I have chosen this picture because i don't have a lot of photos in France.

dimarts, 26 de març del 2019



Hello, my name is Chayma and today I will show you some photos of Carolyn Drake.
Carolyn Drake is an important famous photographer, she was born in 1917, in California.
She has documented the cultures of central Asia, she works on personal documentary projects. And she's an American photographer in Georgia.

Now I will describe one of her photos, in this photo I can see six birds, the white dove is in the middle of the photo and is the most highlighted part of the picture. The white dove transmits calm, peace. The dovecote without anything, makes me think in  poverty.

Here you have some picture of Carolyn Drake. 
And the quote I have chosen is: Get lost in the world and meet yourself, by Nelson Mochilero. I have chosen this quote because I think that Carolyn is a traveling person.

dilluns, 11 de març del 2019



Hello my name is Chayma, and today I Will explain you the 2019 "competències bàsiques".
In 4 eso, we do the "competències bàsiques" of Catalan, Spanish, English, maths and sciences. Competències bàsiques are used to find out if the student has a training base, for example: if a student suspends basic mathematical skills, this means that he needs to know more about mathematics.
This year we have done the basic competencies, because we are in 4 eso. We did them together with all Catalonia on 13th and 14th of February. In my opinion, they were not so difficult, they were normal.
The ones that made me easier were those of Spanish, but the most difficult ones were those of mathematics.



HIGH ANGLE: I think in this picture, they used the high angle because they want to teach the people that is a little girl.

Resultat d'imatges de high angle

LOW ANGLE: They have used the low angle because they want to "teach" that this object is very bigger and more powerful than the person is there.

Resultat d'imatges de LOW ANGLE

SLANTED ANGLE: In this picture they used the slanted angle, because they want to "impact" the person who is being watched the photo.

Resultat d'imatges de WHY THEY USE THE SLANTED ANGLE

EYE LEVEL ANGLE: In this picture they used the eye level because they want to tell that the person who is in the pHoto has the same power of you.

Resultat d'imatges de eye level angle

AERIAL SHOT: In this photo you can see more or less what is happening in this city, I think that they used the aerial shot because there is not another shot or angle to take a photo like this.

Resultat d'imatges de AERIAL SHOT

CLOSE UP SHOTS: In this picture we can see that this girl is crying, normally they use this shot to reveal the character's thoughts and feelings.

Resultat d'imatges de CLOSE UP SHOTS

LONG SHOT: In this shot you can see the boy who is playing and what is happening behind him, if they used the high angle the photo would not be so good.

Resultat d'imatges de long shot

MEDIUM SH0T: Probably if they have used the high shot, the picture would be quite good.
In this picture we can see half body of the girl, and she looks happy.

WIDE SHOT: They have used the wide shot, because they want to show you that this girl is lonely.

Resultat d'imatges de wide shot

A TWO SHOT: This shot is mostly used in movies and series, they use this shot to teach the relationship the characters have between them.

Resultat d'imatges de TWO SHOT

THE POINT OF VIEW SHOT:This shot it is usually used in films to show someone's eyesight as burly, if they ar ebecoming uncurious.

Resultat d'imatges de point of view shot


BYE BYE ESO: The holidays are almost here and I can not believe that I am finishing the ESO, when I started the ESO i was eleven years ...