dilluns, 3 de juny del 2019



Now we are in June, we are finishing the ESO. This summer is the unique summer that we will not work and homeworks because the summer of 2020 we have the "treball de recerca", the summer of 2021,2022... we have the university and work.
 And now i will explain you my 2019 summer, this summer i will go to Morocco, to visit my family and friends, i have not been in Morocco since 2017.
I will go to Morroco the 23rd of June with my aunt and my little cousin, my parent will not go to Morocco because they don't want to go. The city that i will visit is Nador, it is a beautiful city located in North Africa. Always when i go to Morocco i stay in a village named Kariat-Arkmane, i stay in Kariat because my parents had built a big house. 
I will stay in Morocco like two weeks, and then i will come again in Spain and i will enjoy a lot the summer with my friends.
Here you have one picture from Morrocco.

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BYE BYE ESO: The holidays are almost here and I can not believe that I am finishing the ESO, when I started the ESO i was eleven years ...